About Us

We are a group of early economists, trying to challenge and change economics to deliver prosperity for all generations.

We focus on the requirements of a change in economic considerations, measurements and research to turn the current economics of nations into a real service that delivers true prosperity in every aspect of every life.
The word Economics comes from an Ancient Greek background of Oikonomia, meaning the rules and managements to help people live better lives. However, today, economics is the rule of powerful individuals to determine the lives of other people, or even worse, it has become a rigorous area in which laws and principles are set not to change. We know, in contrast, that today there is a desperate need for innovation and structural changes in economic concepts. Economics has always been restructured due to different timely needs, but for the last century, we have stopped adapting our understandings, measures and indications according to a new economics that serves all and, foremost, addresses today’s issues of environment, prosperity and more accurate forecasting before any crisis can occur. In other words, the real and actual purpose of economics is to help people with their economy, but it has been distorted to serve only a few.
We believe in innovation and new perspectives to challenge our current economic thoughts and considerations and suggest new solutions and alternatives. To know why we do this, think of GDP rising every year in the UK and still having around a third of Londoners living below the poverty line. It is not rational if GDP is not going to contribute to our lives, yet we use it to assess all growths. We noticed areas like this in the economics of the 21st century that led us to start researching and eventually finding out the major uncovered problems and suggesting ways of improvement.
At Real Economics Association, we deeply care about the next generation of Earth coming across difficulties we may have created. So we aim to arm today’s generation to prevent probable economic-environmental dangers as well as make them aware of actions we all must take to confront these matters.
Our team consists of early economics students who are determined and passionate to turn the tide and deliver the bedrock of new real economics, researching and working together to make it happen. You can also be a part of this by supporting through our campaigns and donating directly to our organisation and help us navigate our challenges.
In our mission, the first priorities we have set to work on are the issue of prosperity, narrative economics and better forecasting, macroeconomics challenges such as poverty and inequality, history-economics and the use of past patterns to develop current economics, behavioural economics and ethical/environmental concerns associated with businesses in a microeconomic level.
We do not only concentrate on research conductions, so we try to take action as well when possible. We endeavour to involve governments and influential organisations and companies, but we also do sincerely ask for your help in our campaigns and through donations and other supports like spreading our messages and findings.

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Our hard-working people are determined to push the boundaries and bring innovation into research.

Ali Hashemifara

Founder, Economist

Mohammad Reza Asadi

Website Developer

Oliver Miller


Sophia Measures


Perdita Wontumi


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